

Research Director at the Archives Husserl at ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), Paris. Michel was educated at several universities in Paris, where he received successively his MD in 1980, his PhD in physics in 1985, and his “Habilitation” in philosophy in 1997. He worked as a research scientist from 1978 to 1990, specializing in biophysics. From 1990 onwards, he turned to the philosophy of physics. He edited texts of general philosophy and of quantum mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger, published books on a neo-Kantian interpretation of quantum mechanics and on quasi-realism and anti-realism in science.

Later on, Michel focused on the much-debated connections between the philosophy of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of mind and consciousness, working in close collaboration with Francisco Varela. He is presently pursuing this line of research by developing a conception of consciousness inspired from neurophenomenology, and an epistemology of first-person knowledge.


Jean-Gérard BLOCH

Medical Doctor specialized in rheumatology and Meditation Teacher in MBSR* certified by UMASS Medical School USA. In 2012 Jean-Gérard initiated and organized the first professional M. Sc. training in France on Medicine, Meditation and Neurosciences at Medical Faculty, University of Strasbourg. Jean-Gérard trains medical staff in mindfulness approaches at the Hospital of the University of Strasbourg.

*MBSR (" Mindfullness based stress reduction”) was developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn 30 years ago at the UMass Hospital USA and is now successfully implemented in the medical sector across the USA and Europe.



Molecular biologist by training, Astrid received her PhD in Genetics at the University of Düsseldorf (1995), followed by postdoctoral studies in neurodegeneratives diseases. In 2001, she joined the EMBO Journal as scientific editor and later on launched the journal Molecular Systems Biology. In 2005, she took up strategic functions at the European Science Foundation (ESF), leading several strategic programs at the interface of disciplines, notably between the life sciences and social sciences & humanities. Since 2009, she heads the department of Scientific Affairs at the biomedical research institute IGBMC in Strasbourg. Astrid  is member of the pedagogic board of the Life Science doctoral school, University of Strasbourg,  and  also Coordinator  for cross-disciplinary actions at the Life Sciences doctoral school.


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