We aim to have a well balanced mix of participants from different backgrounds so as to foster curiosity beyond one’s own field of interest and lead to exciting discussions. Only a limited number of slots are available (maximum 50), and participants will be selected on a first come, first served basis according to different disciplinary backgrounds. Your place can only be confirmed after payment of the registration fee. We only accept bank transfers.
Students enrolled at Strasbourg University will receive 24 hours credit by the doctoral school for full attendance of the workshop.
Registration deadline is 14 October 2015.
Registration rate
Registration fees include full board and lodging from 4-7 November; participants will be requested to share a room. Participants are expected to cover their travel expenses.
student fees: 180 €
Students enrolled at Strasbourg University: free of charge if attendance for full duration of workshop. Pre-payment of 100 € via deposit (chèque bancaire to the attention of agent comptable de l'UDS) at the Doctoral School of Life Sciences is required to confirm participation, and will only be returned upon attendance of workshop.
Registration process and payment
Online registration will close on 14 October at 23:59 (CET - Paris)
You will receive an email of receipt for registration
Instructions for payments will be communicated to you in a follow-up email
Receipts and certificates of attendance will be delivered upon request only.
workshop contact: ed414@unistra.fr