Associate Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, at the ETH, as well as at the University of Zurich. Harald received a PhD in physics at LMU Munich in 1986 and worked as a research scientist at the MPI for extraterrestrial Physics at Garching until 1998. Then he served as head of the theory group at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology at Freiburg until 2013.
Atmanspacher is Privatdozent for theoretical physics at the University of Potsdam, and faculty member of the Parmenides Foundation Munich and the C.G. Jung Institute at Küsnacht. In 2007 he was elected as an associate fellow at Collegium Helveticum (University and ETH Zurich). Since 2012 Harald is president of the Society for Mind-Matter Research and editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary international journal Mind and Matter.
keywords: non-linear dynamics and complex systems, philosophy of science, mind-matter relations, W Pauli – CG Jung dialogue
more at: http://www.collegium.ethz.ch/en/ueber-uns/collegium-helveticum/personen/pd-dr-harald-atmanspacher/
Research Director at the Archives Husserl at ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), Paris. Michel was educated at several universities in Paris, where he received successively his MD in 1980, his PhD in physics in 1985, and his “Habilitation” in philosophy in 1997. He worked as a research scientist from 1978 to 1990, specializing in biophysics. From 1990 onwards, he turned to the philosophy of physics. He edited texts of general philosophy and of quantum mechanics by Erwin Schrödinger, published books on a neo-Kantian interpretation of quantum mechanics and on quasi-realism and anti-realism in science.
Later on, Michel focused on the much-debated connections between the philosophy of quantum mechanics and the philosophy of mind and consciousness, working in close collaboration with Francisco Varela. He is presently pursuing this line of research by developing a conception of consciousness inspired from neurophenomenology, and an epistemology of first-person knowledge.
keywords: quantum mechanics, philosophy of consciousness, philosophy of relations
more at http://michel.bitbol.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.html
Jean-Gérard BLOCH
Medical Doctor specialized in rheumatology and Meditation Teacher in MBSR* certified by UMASS Medical School USA. In 2012 Jean-Gérard initiated and organized the first professional M. Sc. training in France on Medicine, Meditation and Neurosciences at Medical Faculty, University of Strasbourg. Jean-Gérard trains medical staff in mindfulness approaches at the Hospital of the University of Strasbourg.
*MBSR (" Mindfullness based stress reduction”) was developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn 30 years ago at the UMass Hospital USA and now successfully implemented in the medical sector across the USA and Europe.
keywords: Mindfulness approaches, meditation, medicine, unity in duality philosophy
more at www.ifpcm.fr
Associate Professor at the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He is also affiliated with the Center of Complexity Sciences (C3), UNAM. In 2004 Froese received a M.Eng. in Computer Science and Cybernetics from the University of Reading, UK. In 2010 obtained a D.Phil. in Cognitive Science from the University of Sussex, UK. He continued as a postdoctoral fellow at the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science, University of Sussex, and joined from 2012-2012 the Department of General Systems Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Froese has published widely on embodied and enactive theories of the dynamics and phenomenology of life, mind, and sociality. Currently he is applying concepts of enactive cognitive science to gain a better understanding of what is specific to the human mind and its complexities compared to basic minds.
keywords: computer science, cognitive science, artificial life, machine-human interface, virtual reality, enactive approach, embodied mind, phenomenology
more at http://froese.wordpress.com/
Professor at Bernstein Center Freiburg and Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg. Carsten studied Physics at the University of Heidelberg and obtained his PhD in 2003 in Biology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany. He pursued his research and teaching for several years as a research group leader and lecturer for Animal Physiology and Neurobiology, at the University of Freiburg. From 2010 – 2013 he was a senior lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) at the Dept. of Bioengineering and Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London.
Today, Mehring’s research focuses on understanding how the brain learns and how it controls complex and adaptive movements. Furthermore he is developing and investigating brain-machine interfaces, i.e. uni- or bidirectional interfaces between brains and machines.
keywords: brain-machine interface, motor adaptation and motor skill learning, neuronal dynamics, decision making, computational neuroscience, neurotechnology
more at http://www.neuro.uni-freiburg.de or http://www.bcf.uni-freiburg.de/people/details/mehring
Professor of Neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University. Jérôme was trained as an molecular and cellular electrophysiologist in Strasbourg where he got his PhD in Animal Physiology in 1990. Presently, he leads the Research Unit “ Physiology and Pathophysiology of the somatomotor and autonomic nervous systems” (PPSN EA 4674 AMU) in Marseille. His own team is interested in the role of microRNA in brain regulation of the energetic metabolism, and in the elucidation of the roles and properties of mysterious neurons which are present in the spinal cord and brainstem of all vertebrates and that are contacting the cerebrospinal fluid.
Jérôme is also a magician. When he was in Strasbourg, he ran the “Alsacian Magical Circle”, a circle affiliated to FFAP (“Fédération Française des Artistes Prestidigitateurs”). He is mostly interested in close-up, mentalism and the neurophysiology of attention.
keywords: neuroscience, electrophysiology, autonomic nervous system, synaptic transmission and plasticity, attention, magic
more at http://crn2m.univ-mrs.fr/laboratoires-exterieurs/st-jerome/jerome-trouslard/