
Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health
University of Strasbourg
Doctoral School Social Sciences and Humanities Doctoral School Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Strasbourg
Investissement d'Avenir Investissement d'Avenir
Excellence initiative (Idex) of University of Strasbourg - Investment for the future funding from French government
University of Strasbourg University of Strasbourg
Founded on 1 January 2009, the University of Strasbourg was created by the merger of the three former universities:Louis Pasteur, Marc Bloch and Robert Schuman. European by nature and international by design, the University’s fundamental training and research goals include forgoing partnerships with universities on a European and international scale.
Neurex Neurex
Neurex is a European network in the field of neuroscience, be it basic, clinical or applied. Created in 1999, it federates 3 countries, 100 laboratories and 1000 researchers in the Upper Rhine Valley.
Neuropole Neuropole
The Neuropôle de Strasbourg federates 36 research teams across Strasbourg, working in diverse areas of basic neurosciences and clinical approaches.
Institut Francais Pleine Conscience Mindfulness Institut Francais Pleine Conscience Mindfulness
The Institute offers information on mindfulness and training options, and is partner for the professional M. Sc. training on Neurosciences, Meditation and Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Strasbourg
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